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CHERUBIMON (GOOD) X ANTIBODY STORY [from DIGIMON NEW CENTURY, a Chinese official Digimon game for smartphones]

Cherubimon (Good) comic posted on the official forum of Digimon New Century 

By Seraphimon's order, security has been increased in the core of the Digital World, as impurities were recently found in the core. This can only mean that there is a traitor among them, even though neither Ophanimon nor Cherubimon detected anything during their guard shifts. Although Seraphimon hasn't been able to fully cleanse the core, he has at least managed to slow down its corruption. Seraphimon suggests decreasing surveillance to trap the traitor and asks Cherubimon to continue seeking useful knowledge in their books. However, Cherubimon discovers a damaged book with missing pages that only Seraphimon has access to, as informed by Angemon. Meanwhile, Salamon and Patamon look for Cherubimon to play with them and tell them a story.

Seraphimon and Cherubimon (Footage from the official in-game story event)

The story Cherubimon was telling them, which he left unfinished, speaks of two warriors who arrived at the Devil's Palace with companions coming from different places, bringing reinforcements. The story mentions 10 warriors who gave their lives to defeat the demon, including the warrior of fire and others. Cherubimon modifies the story to make Salamon happy, stating that the heroes eventually come back to life, despite death being a matter not to be taken lightly. The demon was not defeated but sealed, and the warriors left a sacred object that would warn when the demon is about to be revived.


On another note, with no developments on the issue, Seraphimon speculates that the pollution may be due to a disaster affecting the Digital World and that it won't disappear until it's resolved. Since the disaster hasn't worsened, neither has the contamination of the core. This is when Cherubimon brings up the book from the Kingdom of God, where he was searching for a way to purify the core, but the relevant content has vanished. His angelic companion responds that those are very old books that may have worn out over time and their content may not be reliable.

After a while without visiting the little ones, Cherubimon learns that Lopmon has evolved into Turuiemon. Seraphimon seems to be missing. Just then, Seraphimon's emergency bell starts ringing. Cherubimon responds to the call and learns that the angel legions have been sent to various places in the Digital World, but Seraphimon cannot leave the core. The pollution has spread. Ophanimon arrives and informs them that a black feather has been found in the place where the Angemon disappeared. The dark forces are gaining ground in the Kingdom of God. Cherubimon suggests going to investigate what is happening, as Seraphimon leads the angel troops protecting the core. However, Seraphimon tries to stop Cherubimon from leaving, and Ophanimon supports Cherubimon's idea.

Cherubimon (Good)

Meanwhile, Patamon and Salamon also want to help, but they can't because they are not angels yet, and it's dangerous, according to Cherubimon. Later, Cherubimon is in the village led by Lilamon, who tells him that the lands to the west of the village are becoming increasingly inhospitable. They rely on the nutrients from the lands to survive. Additionally, the adjacent forest has started to wither, and no one dares to find out what is happening out of fear. This has been going on for half a year. Lilamon warns Cherubimon about broken-winged statues believed to have been built by God a long time ago. Cherubimon recognizes the pattern from the book in the ruins.

At that moment, Tailmon, the Salamon from the Kingdom of God in its evolved form, appears accompanied by Patamon. They escaped because Seraphimon said he would lock them both up, and they couldn't find Angewomon, who used to play with them. And they also say that Seraphimon took Turuiemon, and Patamon hands Cherubimon one of the missing pages from his book, which he found while searching for Seraphimon. Then Cherubimon tells them to stay for now in the Flora village to the east of the forest, but Tailmon tells him that nobody is living there anymore. They all head towards the village to check if it's indeed deserted. Could it be an enchanted village? The broken statue... angels at the limits of their goodness have the potential to be infected by the opposite extreme of evil, Cherubimon explains. The fallen sky is when angels, in search of supreme power or consumed by hatred towards evil, fall into the dark side. The wings of the sculpture don't seem like those of an angel but rather like those of a bat. When Patamon touches it, it shatters, and a black feather falls, just like before.

Cherubimon talking to Lilamon

After this adventure, they all decide to return to the realm of God, where Seraphimon tells them that the pollution is becoming deeper. The seal is weakening, and sealing it again is the only solution to this crisis. Cherubimon asks Seraphimon, "If you already knew, why didn't you tell us?" He accuses him, "It was you who erased the content about the seal from the book." The missing Digimon didn't actually disappear; they have become fallen angels. Seraphimon replies that he knew from the beginning the reason behind the disappearances of the angel Digimon, that they turn into fallen angels. But Seraphimon doesn't have the power to isolate them one by one to prevent the pollution from spreading, as it originated here, in the realm of God. The pollution comes from the sealed "god."

Ophanimon scolds Seraphimon for agreeing with Raguelmon's methods to solve the problem, which involve eliminating the fallen Digimon. Nonetheless, the pollution keeps spreading because Digimon keep transforming into fallen ones until the source is eliminated. Despite knowing that, Seraphimon allowed Cherubimon to leave the realm of God because he says he is the one with the most potential to become fallen, and it's something Seraphimon wouldn't like to witness. Seraphimon intends to keep the legion of angels sealed so they don't harm the smaller Digimon. If the pollution reaches the entirety of the core, the sealed god will revive.

Seraphimon and Ofanimon

Despite his explanations, Ophanimon disagrees with entrusting the matter to Raguelmon. Seraphimon reproaches her that his method would only manage to save one or two of their companions, but that seems to be enough for Ophanimon. She says it's better to save one than to annihilate them all. Then Seraphimon's bell rings again. This time it warns that the crisis looming over the digital world affects only the realm of God. The demon is about to break the seal, and its power is gradually eroding the data of the angel Digimon. Ophanimon says she swears by the light to bring back the fallen Digimon, while Seraphimon swears by hope that he won't succumb to the darkness within him. A mysterious voice whispers to Cherubimon, "Are you sure you can? Doesn't the power of the three angels come from that 'god'? You are the successors of the demon king!" 

Seraphimon has declared war on the dark forces with the legion of angels. Now Patamon and Tailmon are glad they didn't evolve further because Digimon of the beast or rabbit type can't become fallen angels. Ophanimon is using the power of her sacred ring to purify the darkness, even though Seraphimon disagrees. Tailmon and Cherubimon also possess the holy ring and want to help. The whispers continue, and the next day, Cherubimon appears vicious. Seraphimon tells him that since the second fallen Digimon, he realized something was wrong with that book they all read, and that's why he hid it. Cherubimon's extreme purity makes him the most susceptible to falling into darkness. Seraphimon is not as pure and doesn't have that risk. He reveals that the "god" didn't just write it in that book but also spread that content throughout the digital world. That's why the Digimon who went to the ruins were also affected. Cherubimon has been affected since visiting the ruins of the Floramon village, something Seraphimon confirmed thanks to Patamon. Still, it's admirable how he resisted his inner darkness from that moment on.

Seraphimon and Cherubimon (Vicious/Evil)

Cherubimon Vicious tells him that he should never have let him leave the realm of God. He says that at first, he wasn't strong enough to trap Cherubimon, so he had to use a decoy to lure him to the ruins. Then Tailmon and Ophanimon arrive, and Ophanimon attacks Cherubimon (Evil) X Antibody to awaken him, but it's futile. Then she uses Tailmon's sacred ring, and Virtuous Cherubimon X returns, even though it's temporary because he feels the hatred towards the realm of God and the evil flowing within him.

Cherubimon (Virtue/Good) X Antibody

Cherubimon decides to purify himself in the name of the three great angels, and that's how order is restored in the core. Like in the story, the warrior and the demon died together to save the world, Turuiemon points out. Leaving only Cherubimon's Digi-Egg. It will be reborn, although without its current memories. Now Tailmon can tell this story to Cherubimon when he’s revived, and he will surely like it.

Cherubimon (Good) X Antibody

Turuiemon and Seraphimon

Versión en Español:


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