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DIGIMON SEEKERS Chapter 3 - "Unit 11: Digital Missing In Action"

An unknown past is revealed... 

*Read it in Spanish here / Léelo en español aquí

Last Update:

Chapter 3-1

In the early days of code cracking in the Digital World, adventurers like Tartarus sought to explore the unknown depths beyond the Firewall, akin to 15th-century explorers. Their mission was to unlock the secrets hidden within. Tartarus assembled a team known as the Sons of Chaos and led them to a Gateway in the Wall Slum. Their operation to crack the Gateway was initially successful, but they were soon discovered by gatekeeper Digimon, hordes of which descended upon them. In a desperate bid, Tartarus's partner, DoruGreymon, initiated a powerful attack called "Metal Meteor" to breach the Gateway. However, the gatekeepers' sheer numbers posed a significant challenge. 

DoruGreymon's attack showed promise but eventually halted at 30% decoding progress. They realized that to crack the Gateway, they needed two more prototype Digimon with different attributes, Virus and Vaccine types, at the Ultimate level. Tartarus’s Dorumon -data type- and Yueling's (Shuu Yulin’s) Ryudamon -vaccine type- covered two of these attributes, and they were missing one more Digimon with the Virus attribute to attempt the cracking simultaneously. The gatekeepers were relentless, and the Gateway remained sealed. DoruGreymon explained that the Gateway had existed for ages and required three ancient organic keys to open. Tartarus believed that the Gateway concealed the Depths and the Source Code or "The Holy Grail,” as it is known in the real world. Tartarus expresses his desire to obtain the Holy Grail, believing that it could bring about positive changes to the world.
Their conversation was interrupted when something from the Depths began destroying DoruGreymon's Metal Meteor. It was one of the 13 Royal Knights, guardians of Yggdrasil. Realizing their inability to face such a formidable opponent, the Sons of Chaos retreated, leaving the Gateway behind. Tartarus and DoruGreymon had no idea that it would be many years before they would attempt to crack the Gateway again.

Chapter 3-2

In this chapter of the novel, readers get a deeper understanding of Xu Yueling's character and background:, the head of Unit 11, a specialized division of the Community Safety Bureau's Cyber Crime Division known as the DigiPolice. Yueling and her partner Digimon, Hisyaryumon, are tasked with patrolling the digital network to uphold the law and combat cybercriminals. Their primary goal is to protect Japan from Digimon-related crimes. 
During their patrol, Hisyaryumon, an Ultimate-level Digimon with the appearance of a regal dragon, engages in a battle with code cracker Digimon, capturing them with its powerful attacks. Yueling communicates with her team via the DigiPolice chat, and she receives praise from her colleagues for her efficient leadership. The chapter reveals that the world's government servers in the digital network are under constant threat from cyber warfare, and it is the responsibility of the Japanese police, particularly Unit 11, to defend against Digimon-related crimes. Other government agencies, such as the Public Safety Bureau and Ministry of Defense, lack specialized units for dealing with Digimon, making Unit 11 Japan's de facto defense against these digital threats.
Yueling and Hisyaryumon apprehend a group of Digimon that were attempting to steal state secrets. Hisyaryumon's analysis suggests that these Digimon were likely sent by an overseas adversary, indicating international intrigue. Yueling briefly contemplates sending one or two of the captured Digimon back to their home countries with a "souvenir" in hand, but they ultimately decide against it due to the potential consequences and legal restrictions on preemptive strikes against other nations' servers.
The chapter then shifts to Yueling's past, before Eiji was born, when she attended a university known for its research in the digital realm. At the time, mysterious AI data had been discovered, and there were speculations about the existence of another world within the network where AI programs lived independently. This led to the hypothesis that the network itself had always existed, and humanity had merely discovered a way to access it. Tomonori Ryusenji, a prominent figure in digital exploration, enlisted Yueling and three other young scholars to assist him in his research.
The narrative briefly touches on the transformation of Tokyo's Denrin District and Yueling's university campus, which would eventually merge with the district. Yueling's concern about the dramatic changes and the challenges of securing funding for her projects due to the impending campus relocation is highlighted. The chapter also introduces Kosuke Kisakata, a member of Ryusenji Laboratories, who appears to have a disheveled appearance due to long hours spent working. Yueling chides him for his unkempt appearance, and a lively interaction ensues. Saya, a petite woman and another member of the team, arrives with food for everyone, bringing a warm and casual atmosphere to the lab. “Here’s your change of clothes, Kosuke. Oh, and don’t worry! I brought you some food, too—pork bowl, right?” Saya says to Yueling “It’s Dad’s—I mean the professor’s treat. It came with a pork miso soup, too.”

Chapter 3-3

Ryusenji Laboratories has quickly become a prominent institution in the field of Digital World research. The initial team at the laboratory comprises three members: Kosuke Kisakata, a programming prodigy; Saya Ryusenji, the assistant professor's daughter; and Shuu Yulin. The chapter begins with the three characters sharing a meal together. Yulin jokingly chides Saya for bringing Kosuke a change of clothes, likening her to a mother. However, Saya insists that she's Kosuke's wife, and they exhibit the affectionate behavior of newlyweds. 
As they eat, their conversation naturally shifts to their research on the Digital World. Ryusenji Laboratories has been at the forefront of studying mysterious AI programs within this digital realm, which they've described as "lifeform-like programs." These digital creatures resemble small monsters, but their short lifespans pose significant challenges to the researchers. The chapter delves into the implications of their research, suggesting that if they can observe the Digital World directly, it would challenge the conventional belief in extraterrestrial life being on distant planets. Instead, it could exist within the digital realm of the network.

Professor Ryusenji announces his intention to start a business to fund their research, using university venture capital to establish a company. This surprises Yulin, who questions whether they should turn their research into a publicly traded company. Kosuke explains that the current climate is favorable for startups, and Saya reveals that she only learned about this plan recently. The group discusses Yulin's role in securing funding due to her skills as a trilingual presenter. Despite concerns about her background and nationality, Professor Ryusenji emphasizes that she is essential for the endeavor.
Kosuke Kisakata mentions that things are about to become very busy, but he will be spending less time with the group as he takes on a more active role in setting up their new office. Saya expresses concern about Kosuke's university credits, suggesting that he may not have enough to graduate. Kosuke, however, mentions that he can remain enrolled for a few more years and may not necessarily need to graduate immediately. Professor Tomonori Ryusenji, in a supportive gesture, states that he would hire Kosuke even if he doesn't graduate. This decision elicits a heavy sigh from Yueling, who points out that it might not be the best thing for an educator to say. The professor acknowledges this with a smile, implying that he prioritizes the practical needs of their research project over academic credentials.

Chapter 3-4

In this chapter of the novel, the crew painted the name of their company, Ryusenji Electronics, on their warehouse turned factory in the Denrin District, which was due for redevelopment. They secured a contract to use the place temporarily. They also set up their company's nameplate at Tokyo University of Electrical and Computer Engineering: Ryusenji Laboratories. They brainstormed potential nicknames for the university, discussing names like "Tokyo Electrical" or "Tokyo Computer U." The Denrin District's redevelopment was in progress, and they knew it would attract diverse, multicultural capital. The chapter introduced their financial situation. The company had taken on substantial debt to fund their research. Tomonori launched Ryusenji Electronics with venture capital, government funds, and his own money. Saya realized the significant financial requirements of their research, including running servers around the clock.
The team was driven by the discovery of AI creatures on the network, which they believed could bring something significant to humanity. Tomonori introduced a gadget prototype called the Digimon Dock to record the actions of AI lifeforms. His vision was to create a device for raising digital monsters, improving their survival. The chapter highlighted the team's roles and their strong belief in the potential of Digimon. Yulin found the concept intriguing but also risky. Saya introduced the Digimon Dock prototype, and they discussed an "egg" within it. It was a Digitama, short for digital tamago -Japanese for egg-, representing a digital creature's form. They could see and nurture it in a virtual representation.
The Digimon Dock marked a significant breakthrough, allowing humans to raise Digimon and further their research. These creatures, known as Digital Monsters (Digimon), attracted sponsors and financial support, indicating their potential to shift the balance of power on the Net. Tomonori Ryusenji's reputation grew in academia as the money poured in.

Chapter 3-5

In due time, Tomonori Ryusenji was promoted to a full-time professor, and around that time he was approached by a major Big Tech company that wanted to invest a significant sum and scale operations beyond his wildest dreams. The investment propelled Ryusenji Electronics out of the startup phase into a full-fledged business, leading to rapid expansion, a need for relocation, and growth beyond the core team's expectations. Despite the whirlwind pace, they were grateful for their head start in their careers, thanks to Professor Ryusenji and their involvement with Digimon.
Yulin reveals that new executives are mostly auditors and compliance personnel, suggesting the professor's intention to take the business public. Saya and Kosuke's relationship takes center stage as they announce their engagement. Saya proudly displays her engagement ring, a symbol of her love story with Kosuke. The narrative then shifts to Saya's participation in the mindlink experiment, emphasizing the risks and challenges. After the experiment, she gradually awakens, showing signs of physical and emotional turmoil.

Chapter 3-6

Saya, Kosuke, and Yulin, alongside their unique Digimon partners, were deeply involved in a series of experiments aimed at perfecting the mindlink process, which allowed them to connect their consciousness with their Digimon inside the Digimon Dock. The ultimate goal was to enable them to experience the Digital World directly, unearthing its mysteries while forming an even stronger bond with their Digimon companions. Saya's Agumon resembled a dinosaur, Kosuke's Tentomon had a ladybug-like appearance, and Yulin's Palmon was a result of a genetic experiment, blending reptilian and floral features with root-like feet, leafy arms, and a large flower on its reptilian head. To succeed in their mission, they needed to enhance their tools and systems further. Kosuke, in particular, was tasked with developing the necessary Digimon control tools. 
Their ambitious project was aptly named the Tartarus program, symbolizing their deep dive into the vast sea of the Net, with the ultimate goal of immersing themselves in the Digital World. This was a monumental undertaking, equivalent to humanity's arrival on the moon. The Tartarus program marked only the first significant step in their journey, and they were fully aware of the responsibilities and challenges ahead. The night before launching the Tartarus program, the team visited the site where the Tokyo University of Electrical and Computer Engineering was to be built. They envisioned the growth of the Denrin District, foreseeing a future where this empty plot of land would become a hub of innovation and discovery.
During this visit, Saya revealed her curiosity about the place that might become their workplace in the future. Saya stands out due to her unique experiences with the mindlinking process. She is the last among her friends to adapt to the concept and has a somewhat unusual reaction during the sessions. After each mindlink, she vomits, making her the only one to have this physical response. Despite her initial struggle with the process, she shares the strongest bond with her partner Digimon. Saya's mindlink with her Digimon, Agumon (Black), is expected to produce the clearest footage of the Digital World. She also mentions hearing her Digimon's voice during these sessions, emphasizing the remarkable connection they share, even though it cannot be quantified scientifically. Saya doesn't tell others about hearing her Digimon's voice during mindlink sessions because she is concerned about how they might perceive her. She believes that if she were to reveal this, it might lead to her being excluded from the project or considered unreliable. The phenomenon of hearing her Digimon's voice is likely something she can't fully explain or understand herself, making it a personal secret she keeps to avoid potential consequences.
The Tartarus program, led by Professor Ryusenji Electronics, is a research initiative aimed at exploring the Digital World. It involves mindlinking with Digimon to directly observe and study this digital realm. In the program's latest phase, the attack team, consisting of Yulin, Kosuke, and Saya, uses Test Chamber 4 as a controlled environment for their experiments. They board a digital observation vessel named the Tartarus probe and mindlink with their respective partner Digimon: Palmon, Tentomon, and Agumon. The goal is to experience the Digital World firsthand and to gather valuable data to advance their research. However, their first attempt at direct observation proves to be a failure.

Chapter 3-7

In this chapter, the Tartarus program, although it achieved some of its objectives, was ultimately considered a complete failure due to the result: a DMIA incident. Saya Ryusenji, one of the early individuals to mindlink with a Digimon, was the first to go DMIA, even before the term DMIA existed. The chapter describes the mission's initial stages, where Palmon, Tentomon, and Agumon navigate a vast networked sea in a virtual vessel controlled by their human partners using Kosuke's tools. However, the team faces challenges due to limited visibility and struggles to capture clear visual data. The mindlink between Agumon and Saya couldn't be adequately captured by the technology of the time. As they proceed, something goes wrong during the mission, and only Saya would have seen what happened. There was an attack from an unknown entity, potentially a Digimon, that led to Saya's disappearance.
Yulin and Kosuke, the other team members, don't have a clear understanding of what went wrong. Kosuke, who fought for Saya's inclusion in the mission, regrets not having more control over the situation. He was unable to save her, and he doesn't have the power to make decisions like Professor Ryusenji. The Tartarus probe, the vessel used for the mission, suffered heavy damage. It was barely operational, and Palmon and Tentomon also sustained injuries during the mission. Despite the tragedy, Professor Ryusenji's priority was to ensure the safety of Kosuke and Yulin, preventing them from attempting to rescue Saya. He couldn't risk losing all three members on their first mission, even though it meant leaving Saya behind. 
The narrative then shifts to the present, where Shuu Yulin, now a squad leader with the DigiPolice, reflects on the events of the past. Several years have passed since the Tartarus program's failure, but Yulin still carries the weight of those memories. Saya remains in a coma, her consciousness seemingly fused with Agumon's DigiCore, which vanished within the Digital World. Despite the loss of a crew member, the mission achieved over half of its stated goals. Still, the failure to ensure the safety of the crew overshadowed any success. Saya's body remains in a coma in a hospital. Professor Ryusenji had taken extraordinary measures to protect Yulin and Kosuke, even continuing the Tartarus program and mindlink experiments in secret. His commitment earns the respect of a select few who are aware of the situation. Professor Ryusenji explains that there is a specialized hospital in America that focuses on the treatment of coma patients. The primary goal of sending Saya there is to provide her with the best care while minimizing potential harm to her physical well-being. The professor acknowledges the challenges of visiting Saya in the United States, but he hints that it may be in Yulin's best interest not to be brought to a standstill by Saya's condition, especially considering Yulin's academic pursuits and the potential impact on her graduation. Yulin has lost contact with Kosuke, who withdrew from school and work, and there is no communication between them. The chapter ends with Yulin's realization that still feels drawn to the Digital World, trading her lab coat for a uniform and a badge. 

Chapter 3-8

Yulin, in a room with the comatose body of the hacker Judge, Leon, lay there, when Ryusenji showed her the footage of her friend Saya, suspended in a life support capsule. The revelation of Saya's condition, unchanging since her disappearance and relocation to a specialist facility in America, highlighted the significant passage of time. Despite seeing Saya's unaltered appearance in the footage, Yulin briefly entertained the notion that a coma might slow the body's aging process. 

There, Ryusenji asks Yulin to be understanding when interrogating Eiji about Leon's disappearance, probably caused by a Royal Knight and while Eiji was there. This follows the official procedure, including not revealing the truth about the DMIA. The family is told that their family member lost consciousness and is now in a coma. However, the professor considers telling at least Leon's father the truth because they are old acquaintances, and he deserves to know what has happened to his son, if he doesn't already. Initially, Yulin refuses, but when the professor reminds her that he did the same to protect her and Kosuke when Saya disappeared, she agrees and asks about Eiji. The professor responds vaguely, saying he gave Eiji the virus-type Digimon, Loogamon, which completes the three prototype Digimon. They acquired Loogamon from Wall Slum, but he doesn't provide more details. He did it out of boredom, to continue shaping the younger generations. He explains that the connection between Loogamon and Eiji may be as exceptional as the bond between Saya and Agumon. Ryusenji straightforwardly asks Yulin not to get overly involved in Eiji's trajectory, given his swift ascent within the SoC. Yulin acknowledges that they're well aware of Eiji, noting his confrontation with the DigiPolice, especially Satsuki, of whom Ryusenji admits to being a fan due to her slug videos, and Eiji's triumph in that encounter.
Yulin discovered that Tartarus was, in fact, Kosuke Kisakata. After the Tartarus program's end, their paths diverged. Yulin pursued an independent life, briefly engaging in code cracking and hacking before being scouted by the police for her cybersecurity skills, becoming a white-hat hacker. Meanwhile, Ryusenji Electronics almost collapsed but was saved by significant investments, transforming into Abadin Electronics. Professor Ryusenji's leadership led to advancements, and the Tokyo University of Electrical and Computer Engineering was established. Kosuke's fate remained a mystery until the Digital World became known, with code-cracking teams rising, especially the assertive SoC. Learning of Kosuke's identity as Tartarus evoked complex feelings for Yulin.

Professor Ryusenji implies that only Yulin has the power or influence to control or manage Kosuke. Before Yulin could delve deeper into this conversation, her phone rang, prompting her to excuse herself and take the call. The urgency in Satsuki's message about a mysterious occurrence in the Digital World grabs her attention, hinting at an unusual event demanding immediate investigation or attention.

Chapter 3-9

Eiji grapples with the weight of guilt over his friend Leon disappearing while trying to save him. Loogamon encourages him to embark on a rescue mission, aiming to save both Pulsemon and Leon. However, Eiji's mental state proves challenging for their usual mindlinking abilities, as he hasn't taken proper rest. The scene shifts when Tartarus arrives at Eiji's door. Tartarus, seemingly knowledgeable about Eiji's background, comments on his living conditions and even observes the toilet setup in a humorous exchange. Tartarus then notices an altar in Eiji's home, where he pays respects to Eiji's parents, victims of a Digimon attack. Eiji, uncertain about the etiquette, lowers his head in thanks. Tartarus reveals his understanding of Eiji's pain, having experienced a similar loss where someone important to him went DMIA and he feels it was his fault. He shares his coping mechanisms, including a period of self-neglect, regret, and sorrow. Tartarus encourages Eiji to eat, take a long shower, and offers practical advice. Eiji expresses gratitude as he begins to eat the provided supplies.

Chapter 3-10

In the encounter between Tartarus and Eiji, Tartarus confirms his role as the SoC leader by summoning a Digimon. Dorumon drops the bomb that the interviewer Eiji met earlier was Tartarus's alternate avatar. Eiji's swift rise in the SOC ranks was no coincidence; it was part of Tartarus's well-thought-out plan. Tartarus needed Eiji and Loogamon, holding a crucial key piece, to save those gone DMIA, especially his fiancée, Saya. Tartarus strategically allowed Eiji, suspected to be a spy for Professor Ryusenji, into the SOC, leveraging Professor Ryusenji's support. Even Machinedramon's mission unfolded according to a calculated script. Tartarus would have the ideal pretext to direct Eiji to make his friend Leon vanish as a consequence of Leon destroying the Digimon Mega sought by the SOC and tarnishing Tartarus's image due to Marvin's DMIA—a scenario Eiji managed to avert in the end. All the pieces were set, waiting for the actors to play their roles. Eiji's guilt, triggered by Leon's DMIA, became a potent motivator, aligning with Tartarus's shared goal: bringing back those lost to DMIA. With Eiji's unwitting contribution to Loogamon's dark evolution, guilt became a powerful force, seamlessly fitting into Tartarus's intricate plan. 

Chapter 3-11

Tartarus, revealed as Kosuke Kisakata, shares his backstory with Eiji and presents a syringe containing a medicine tailored for those affected by DMIA (Digital Missing In Action). The medicine, a medical-grade stimulant, theoretically detaches human consciousness from the DigiCore, offering a window for self-awareness. Originally intended to prolong mindlink duration, the drug increases focus but faced side effects, hindering widespread use. AI-simulated trials with real Digimon indicated its potential to separate a DMIA patient's consciousness from the Digimon's DigiCore. Developed in D4, Professor Ryusenji's laboratory, the plan involves administering the drug to the DMIA human's partner Digimon in the Digital World. An agreement with Ryusenji entailed providing the drug in exchange for clinical trial data. The mission transforms into a recovery operation: locate the lost Digimon, capture it, and deliver the dock to Ryusenji. Kosuke decides to relocate to his safehouse, anticipating DigiPolice interference. Encouraged by the strengthened bond between Eiji and Loogamon, the mission's focus shifts to the Gateway. Their goal is to code-crack their way into the Digital World's depths.

Chapter 3-12

The narrative unfolds with the discovery of large-scale code cracker activity in the Digital World, particularly at the Wall Slum. Satsuki reports on the extensive nature of this operation, involving 100 to 200 code crackers. The video depicts SoC leaders' Digimon launching an all-out attack on the Wall Slum, led by Tartarus. The code crackers are heading toward the Gateway at the center of the Wall Slum, turning it into a warzone. Sealsdramon's partner describes the chaotic situation, with Gatekeepers trying to fend off the code cracker Digimon, and residents of the Wall Slum in motion. Some of these Digimon have developed an interest in humans, such as Ryudamon, while others have established social connections within the Wall Slum. Despite their diverse backgrounds, the shared motivation among them is a strong desire to return to the home they once knew. Yulin learns that the charismatic Tartarus is uniting disparate factions within the Wall Slum. Dorumon, affiliated with SoC, is believed to be the Digimon leader uniting the districts. Yulin, now part of the police force, sees her priority as arresting SoC-affiliated code crackers to prevent interference in the Digital World. As the battle intensifies, Dorumon and Kosuke prepare for a showdown against the encroaching Cargodramon formation. Kosuke observes that the Cargodramon are searching for them, prompting Dorumon to digivolve for a decisive confrontation. Kosuke expresses determination to reunite with their partners and set a trap for Yulin and Ryudamon. The chapter ends with Kosuke expressing his resolve to find the Black Agumon, Saya's partner Digimon.


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