G o G.A.R.M. (Geological Alpine Research Megacomplex, a scientific research center located in the Swiss Alps taken over by Illuminati operatives) o Garrett Dansky (CEO of augmentations manufacturer Caidin Global. Assassinated by the Tyrants in 2026) o Garvin Quinn (agent of the Juggernaut Collective) o Gary Savage (a scientist for the Illuminati) o Gas grenades (non-lethal weapon also called Riot Captor Spray (CS)) o GEP gun (Guided Explosive Projectile heavy gun) o Gerald Campbell (Medical examiner at Detroit Police Department) o Gerard Romero (one of the few good cops left in Prague, deceased) o Germany (The Illuminati was created in Ingolstadt, Germany. On 1 May 1776, Adam Weishaupt, a professor of law at the University of Ingolstadt, founded the Order of the Illuminati) o Gerta Mueller (merchant in Panchaea's LIMB clinic) o ...
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